
High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure services offered in Phoenix, AZ

High blood pressure is a severe medical condition that wreaks havoc on your overall health. If you need expert treatment for high blood pressure, the Jasser Center for Comprehensive Care takes your health seriously and offers remote patient monitoring to help you control your condition. Schedule an appointment today by calling the practice or requesting an appointment on the website.

High Blood Pressure Q&A

What’s considered high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force of the blood pumping against the walls of the arteries in your body. It’s normal for your blood pressure to fluctuate throughout the day, especially during physical activity.

According to the CDC, normal blood pressure is less than or equal to 120/80, although high blood pressure varies among different providers. However, it’s a general rule that you have high blood pressure with a 140/90.

The American Heart Association deems hypertension stage 1 as 130 to 139 over 80 to 89, while hypertension stage 2 is 140/90 or higher.

A hypertensive crisis is a life-threatening emergency where your blood pressure is higher than 180/120, which can lead to severe complications.

What are the risks of high blood pressure?

Consistent high blood pressure is a serious risk to your health and wellness. It leads to various dangerous medical problems, including the following:

  • Heart failure
  • Stroke
  • Kidney disease
  • Heart attack
  • Peripheral artery disease

Chronically high blood pressure also puts a lot of strain on your arteries, leading to heart disease, narrowed arteries, and an overload of your circulatory system.

Other potential side effects of chronic hypertension include vision loss and sexual dysfunction. While these problems aren’t life-threatening, they seriously impact your day-to-day life.

How do I manage high blood pressure at home?

The Jasser Center for Comprehensive Care team takes your health — and blood pressure very seriously. The team offers medications to control your blood pressure if you’ve attempted lifestyle changes such as losing weight, exercising, and eating a healthy diet.

The team also works with a company that can send blood pressure cuffs to hypertensive patients so that the team can monitor their blood pressure regularly.

Remote technology allows the team to treat dangerous spikes in blood pressure quickly and efficiently to avoid severe or life-threatening complications. It’s an excellent tool that enables the practice to offer unrivaled care and customized care for all hypertensive patients.

If you’re a smoker, quitting smoking is also beneficial to your health, as it only worsens your hypertension. If you’re having trouble stopping, the team can provide you with the help you need.

To schedule an appointment with the Jasser Center for Comprehensive Care today, call the practice in Phoenix, Arizona, or request a consultation online.