
Pre-Op Evaluation

Pre-Op Evaluation services offered in Phoenix, AZ

Many things are necessary before surgery, including a comprehensive pre-operative (pre-op) evaluation. At the Jasser Center for Comprehensive Care we provide quick and efficient pre-op testing at ourPhoenix office. The team ensures you’re healthy enough to undergo surgery through a detailed physical exam and specialized testing. To schedule your pre-op appointment today, call the Jasser Center for Comprehensive Care or request a consultation or telemedicine appointment on the website.

Pre-Op Evaluation Q&A

Who needs a pre-op evaluation?

A pre-op evaluation is a tool needed to ensure your safety during surgery. Patients require pre-op testing before undergoing a surgical procedure that requires some form of anesthesia.

Patients of all ages need a pre-op evaluation to determine their risk for infection, cardiac problems, and respiratory complications before surgery.

The type of surgery is a crucial component of what kind of evaluation you need before surgery. Cardiac procedures require more in-depth testing than other surgical procedures because of the risk involved.

What’s involved in a pre-op evaluation?

During a pre-op evaluation, the team performs a detailed physical exam to ensure your health and evaluate any underlying conditions. They also draw basic surgical bloodwork to assess your overall health, including the following tests:

  • Electrolytes
  • Bun
  • Creatinine
  • Hemoglobin
  • Hematocrit
  • PTT
  • Platelet
  • WBC
  • PT/INR

Depending on the surgical procedure, you may also require an electrocardiogram (EKG) to evaluate your heart health. For a urinary procedure, you may also need a urinalysis before the day of surgery.

Females in their reproductive years may also require a urine pregnancy screening to rule out pregnancy before surgery.

Before surgery, a chest X-ray may also be necessary to evaluate your heart and lung health. Other imaging tests might also be a part of your pre-op evaluation to determine if you’re at risk for severe complications during or after your procedure.

How soon do you need a pre-op evaluation?

The sooner you have your pre-op evaluation, the better prepared you’ll be for the day of surgery. Each type of procedure has different requirements that the team is aware of.

As soon as you’re at the surgery scheduling stage, it’s a good idea to reach out and make an appointment for the pre-op evaluation. Blood tests and other screenings may take a week to return, so the sooner you get in, the better.

More involved procedures may require a cardiac workup before your procedure to ensure your heart is healthy enough to undergo anesthesia and surgery.

In this case, you may need a pre-op evaluation a few months before scheduling your procedure, especially if you have underlying conditions.

Call the Jasser Center for Comprehensive Care today to schedule your pre-op evaluation or request an appointment on the website.